Welcome to my Boomers corner

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In the years of selling real estate,I have made many observations as to what thought process people go through when selling their homes…..particularly people that have a desire to downsize. Most are known today as the Baby Boomer set….It often goes like this:

1.. “This is really getting to be too much upkeep, I want to do other things with my/our time. Let’s look at some alternatives. Irene loves her townhome/condo.”

2.  Wow, love that place. It is all we need. But oh, our “stuff” will never fit ….

3.  Look at this “stuff”.30 (40,50,) years worth to go through. Much of it is “stuff” the kids want to keep.What do we do with it all? Where do we start?

4. I can’t even think about it…

5. Often, this is where the process ends. Too overwhelming to think about. It may not arise again until we are forced to make the change through some life changing event. we all know, this is not the best time for making decisions or optimum energy.

It is my goal with this page, to post helpful material for downsizing, whether it be organizing to reduce your belongings, articles for grants from cmhc, people that can help and anything related to Baby Boomers and downsizing.

So please check back regularly to this page. I will be adding new material often. I welcome any suggestions.
